Wave Studies
In the spring of 2023, my wife and I celebrated our 30th anniversary with a 5-day cruise. We even splurged and got a stateroom with a nice balcony a few levels up from the water. Right away I knew I would be spending some time looking over the side and watching and photographing the waves. As a landscape photographer living a few hours from the coast, I don’t get an opportunity like this very often.
The first few days of the cruise we choppy, though, that made for some fun waves to chase. This was one of the few times where I have an idea for some photos, and they come out very close to what I was hoping to get. I only worked at the two extremes of my shutter speed – very fast and very slow. Most were taken on the high end: 1/1500 to 1/3100 of a second. Fastest exposures I have ever used. When editing these, I also figured out exactly what number image each wave study was. So, as part of each description, you can see WS#, that shows what number that wave study was. Hope you enjoy this gallery as much as I did making it.
Pathway Up the Mountain (WS#405)
Rain Approaching at Dusk (Wave and Clouds 181)
What's Below? (WS#1199)
Blue Hour Wake (WS#1472)
Eye of the Hurricane (WS#55)
Goosebumps (WS#1159)
Man O' War (WS#642)
Wave and Cloud Study 122
Storm at the Summit (WS#371)
The Peak (WS#499)
Wake in the Morning (WS#1280)